Make a 1° degree shift
4 Week MasterMind
5-8 people
Watch for upcoming dates!
Growth happens in small steps taken regularly in the direction of your vision.

What do you want to achieve?
What would making a 1° change in your life towards personal growth do for your relationships, career and your overall well-being?
Within this four week MasterMind, my goal is to help you:
- identify the area of life where you want to make that 1° change
- understand why it’s important to make that change
- define the direction you want to go in
- develop a simple strategy to move you forward
Join other like-minded individuals on a journey of personal growth. Though your objectives for growth may differ, you can leverage the learning of others, and bring a greater sense of awareness to your own growth.
Each week, I’ll do a short review of the content, and together we’ll reflect and digest the Laws of Growth mentioned below. Yes, that means your contribution to the group is an important part of a MasterMind adding an element of community to the process as you learn and grow together.
The Group Coaching “twist” comes into play on two fronts:
- the reflection of questions & content in the MasterMind itself is really just a starting point for you to continue throughout the week, moving beyond gathering information and towards greater awareness and application.
- bonus: during the course of these 4 weeks, you can schedule 2 FREE fifteen minute check-in coaching calls to assist you in your growth journey.
Below are the 4 laws we’ll cover from John Maxwell’s Book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth:
The Law of Intentionality
The Law of the Rubber Band
The Law of expansion
The Law of contribution
$99.00/indv.($110 value)
(invite a friend who registers and receive an extra $10 off)
From Previous MasterMinds
The Mastermind Class was an excellent opportunity to share and listen to other leaders and the values they apply in their business conduct. Mike walked with the group in exploring these ideas instead of just providing a path with a predetermined destination. Great group! Thanks for the experience.
I thought that the Mastermind was very helpful, as it pertains to goal setting and legacy building. Each week I was able to continue the process of overcoming my fear of failure, while erasing my limiting beliefs. The group setting reminded me that I’m not alone, while helping me process my challenges through the thoughtful reflection of others.
What is a MasterMind?
A MasterMind is formed when individuals come together with the common goal of learning, growing and moving towards their goals around a common theme, idea, or material (often from a book or author).
Every time a group of people are together (virtually or physically), the DNA of that particular group is unique. No two people have the exact same perspective because no two people have lived the exact same life. We may have VERY similar experiences, but we come with different personalities, talents, relationships etc that make us truly unique. So collectively we acknowledge that there is much to learn not just around the content but the people who are engaging it with us.
Who is this for?
It’s for those who want different results than what they currently have and understand that their personal development is a major component to fill in that gap.
You may have a vague or even a really clear picture of where you want to be but can’t see the path forward. Coaching is about you figuring out what that next step is AND holding you accountable to take that step.
These Four Weeks will be a great start in bringing both an awareness of & action towards the personal changes you can make to become who you see yourself being.
How much will I be expected to share with the group?
I totally get this question, and I understand there’s different reasons for asking. I will say that there will be an expectation to participate as the community aspect of coaching can enhance your learning beyond simple observation. The objective is not for you to simply hear from the coach, but to hear from each other which relies on the bold willingness of participants to share. How much you share is up to you, but seeing as the group is there to grow, beginning to step out of your comfort zone in this way can be liberating. Sharing what you’ve learned with others, also helps to establish that learning because of the simple fact that now others know what you’ve learned and can increase your awareness and responsibility to do something with what you’ve learned.
When will MasterMinds occur?
For up to date information on MasterMinds Groups, please contact Michael at
Does this include 1 on 1 Coaching Calls?
The $99 fee does include two BONUS free 15 minute check-in calls during the course of the 4 weeks (+1 week following). These calls are the responsibility of the participant to schedule and take advantage of during the allotted time. These two 15min calls are provided as a bonus but may be limited to availability of scheduling and thus are not guaranteed (but highly likely).
This price does not include any personal 1-1 Coaching Calls, but you can certainly schedule as many calls as you’d like. Your first 3 calls will be discounted at 10% for being a part of this MasterMind Group.
What will the expectations be of the group?
The group members will be asked to keep all sharing confidential within the group and this will be stressed highly because a safe environment is key.
- Showing up on time to each call making this a priority in your week
- Finding a quiet place where you can be distraction free during calls
- Avoid multi-tasking during the group
- Participate in the conversations
- Respect others opinions & learning providing a non-judgemental atmosphere for everyone
- Read the designated chapter(s) in advance (ideally a minimum of a day prior to group calls)
- Remember you are there for your personal growth, not to provide answers/advice to other participants
Can I bring a MasterMind to my business/organization?
Simple answer…YES! I believe that when established teams create shared experiences, especially a shared experience for growth, it establishes not just common language but provides greater understanding and synergy within the group.
What if I have a friend who I'd like to participate with?
That would be great! I will discount you $10 for your first friend who pays at the discounted price before the promotional date!