Lead Your Team

You’re here because you know that a leader’s main priority is to lead their team. You know that how you work as a team is indicative of your identity as an organization. 

It begins with you: What does Working Genius show us about your Leadership strengths and challenges according to your own Geniuses?

Your Team: Consider the obstacles & opportunities of your team as we map out your team’s Geniuses & Frustrations.

Let’s work on your how!!! 

Working Genius at Work for You


Know Your Genius Workshop

  1. WG Personal Assessment
  2. Two hour+ Workshop with up to 6 other professionals
  3. Content Visuals & Customizable Personal Playbook (post-workshop)
  4. Add-on: WG Personal Coaching Session

Personal Discovery

  1. Custom link to take the assessment
  2. Take the 10 min assessment and get results immediately from The Table Group.
  3. 30-min debrief call

Team Discovery

  1. Custom link for WG Assessment provided via The Table Group
  2. All assessments completed by team members with immediate results from The Table Group (to be completed 1 week prior to Workshop)
  3. Leader Prep & Follow-up call with Team Leader (up to 45 min)
  4. 90-120 min WG Virtual or In-Perons Workshop:
    • review WG model 
      • 3 phases of work
      • guilt & judgment 
    • review individual results
    • review team map 

Team Plus

Everything from “Team Discovery” package  plus a second Workshop within 30-60 days (Option for One 3-4hr Workshop)

  1. Broader Overview of Model
    • Responsive vs. Disruptive
    • Altitude of Geniuses
  2. The Genius of Meetings
    • Meeting Model Overview based on Lencioni’s Book Death By Meeting
    • What stage of work is each kind of meeting at?
    • Who should lead each kind of Meeting?
  3. Team Exercise – Review Past Project in light of Working Genius
  4. Additional Leader Prep & Follow-Up Calls
  5. Working Genius Team Playbook (Customizable)
  6. Option: Individual Follow-Up coaching calls with each staff member

Workshop: Another Look Inside

Follow-through on learning is key!

Take a look at what you’re going to walk away with after a Working Genius Workshop with your team!

Working Genius – A Quick Overview

The Working Genius is Patrick Lencioni’s (& The Table Group) newest teamwork helping people realize where they best contribute at work.


There are SIX ACTIVITIES needed for doing any kind of work and each one is equally valuable and required for getting work done.

We all have Two Geniuses, Two Competencies and Two Frustrations defined as follows:

  • Working Genius indicates your natural ability; what brings you joy and fulfillment. It consistently gives you energy.
  • Working Competency indicates what you can do well but are not fulfilled by. Over time this drains your energy.
  • Working Frustration indicates what you dislike doing and find draining, even if you’ve learned to be capable at it.

Take a look at the Six Types of Working Geniuses and their corresponding Stage of Work.

6 Working Geniuses

Stage of Work

1. Wonder

People with Wonder may ask, “Is there a better way?” They love to sit and imagine the possibilities. 

2. Invention

People with the Genius of Invention get joy from taking ideas and brainstorming solutions. 



Wonder and Invention are the beginning for any kind of work.


3. Discernment

People with the Genius of Discernment have a natural ability to evaluate the workability of ideas and give people good feedback.

4. Galvanizing

People with the Genius of Galvanizing love to get things going by rallying people around an idea and moving them in the right direction.


Discernment and Galvanizing are key components before the take-off of any idea.

5. Enablement

People with the Genius of Enablement are the ones who make things happen. They know how to help, when to help, and can flex to what needs to happen in order to help realize a vision. 

6. Tenacity

People with the Genius of Tenacity are task-oriented and love to take things across the finish line. They ensure it’s going to have the impact it’s supposed to have and lives up to agreed-upon standards. 


Enablement and Tenacity are necessary in order to turn our dreams into realities.

Not Just Another Assessment

The Working Genius assessment is 20% personality and 80% productivity. People who understand their genius show up to work happier, are more effective, and play well with others.

  • Productivity 80% 80%
  • Personality 20% 20%

Get the Clarity You & Your Team Need

Understanding why things worked (or didn't) in past projects.

It’s one thing to experience success (or not) at work, but it’s another thing to understand what made you successful. Understand why some things have worked and others haven’t in past endeavours.

Clarify what fuels you.

Many of us get called upon to do things because we’re good at it. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we like it. Clarify where work gives you joy and energy and where it’s draining and difficult.

Understand your team.

“Why don’t they see it like me?” or “Why don’t they understand how important it is to…?” These are questions we often ask at work and also at home. Understanding our own Geniuses helps us to alleviate guilt about struggles we all have with certain types of work. It also helps us to be less judgmental with our team when we know what gives them joy vs. what drains them at work. 

No more 'Meeting Stew'

We’ve all walked into meetings where we didn’t know what it was we were trying to accomplish. We’ve all walked away from those same meetings wondering what we decided. The Working Genius helps to improve dialogue and directives in team meetings by understanding the 6 stages of work and giving your team language to clarify the purpose for each kind of meeting.

Utilize people's strengths.

When we speak of strengths, it’s not just what a person is good at. But in the WG model, it’s about what gives a person joy and fulfillment in their work. That’s the beauty of having a Genius. When we enjoy work, it doesn’t feel like work.

WG helps teams to make quick and concrete adjustments to roles and responsibilities to better tap into one another’s strengths, and avoid one another’s weaknesses. 

(We understand that we can’t be 100% in our Geniuses, but the more time we spend there, the more productive and fulfilled your team will be)

Get more done.

When your team is spending more time involved in work they enjoy, you will begin to get more done in less time.

Feed Your Curiosity

Let’s feed your curiosity by taking the Working Genius for a FREE Test Drive! If you want to take your team(s) to the next level, I want to give you the opportunity to see first-hand how this model could be just what you need to face the leadership challenges of today’s current climate and thrive!

A Team Session with a Certified Facilitator

  • Boost Team Morale
  • Change the Way You Collaborate
  • See Your Meetings’ Productivity Improve
  • Decrease Guilt & Judgment
  • Clarify Expectations & Disarm Hard Conversations

As a Certified Working Genius Facilitator, I want you to give you the keys and ‘test drive’ the WG before bringing it to your team? Let’s begin the conversation towards a more enjoyable & effective work life.

Working Genius & Your Marriage?

Yes, this same content can be applied to your marriage!

Your home is an epicenter for work…doing dishes, preparing meals, planning holidays, home renovations…and the list goes on.

Why not consider our marriage from the perspective of what happens day in and day out – Work!

Be a student of each other…understand the strengths and challenges that will come from your differences and your similarities when it comes to work. And walk away with common language to communicate and work better together!

The Working Genius Couples Workshops is a 90 min virutal event that is guaranteed to give you common language and insight into how you can work better together! Get notified of upcoming event!

Next Workshop: TBD 

Calgary, AB or Virtual

About Pat Lencioni & The Table Group

The team at the Table Group has been working diligently to change the world of work. At the core, they believe work is meant to be dignifying and that God created each of us to contribute to the world in a unique way. Over the years, they’ve developed tools and models to help make organizations healthier and more successful and teams more effective and cohesive. Books like The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Advantage, and The Ideal Team Player, were all parts of a larger endeavor to transform the world of work.

The Six Working Geniuses is Pat and the Table Group’s newest model that has evolved from their own experience, frustrations and client interactions. It is quickly proving to resonate with organizations abroad and making a difference in how teams operate.